The Ugly Omelet……..I know that you are thinking “What kind of a name is that for a blog ?” Well, look at just what makes up an omelet……. First the eggs have to be broken, before their contents can be used. Then the entire contents of the egg are “beaten” and scrambled together to make something different…something that has been changed and can be used. After that, other ingredients are added and then everything is placed into a heated pan to cook until the ingredients are set. Careful attention is given to make sure that the ingredients don’t scorch or burn. The mixture is then folded in half and removed from the heat and these eggs that were broken and beaten are transformed into an omelet.
That says so much about us. God takes US, after we have been broken and beaten, puts us in His mixing bowl, adds family, blessings, trials, friendships, and then places us in the fire, all the while, He is watching to make sure that we don’t get burned. When we have been in the fire long enough, He takes us out, folds us in two so that all the circumstances and life experiences that we have been cooked with throughout our lives, are included in the new being that He has created.
“But why ugly,” you may ask…..Well, ugly can be defined as “displeasing in appearance.” I think that God sees us as being displeasing in appearance until our brokenness brings us before Him, knowing that He is all we need. That in Him all things are and will be. He looks at us and sees the dark, ugly corners of our heart. So very often, we are broken, yet we refuse to let God use that brokenness for His glory. We have to allow ourselves to be cracked wide open so that all that is in us can be scooped up by God and mixed with His forgives, His grace, His mercy and the blood of His Son. When we surrender to His will and allow ourselves to be transformed, and used by God Almighty, then we find that we are able to embrace the past hurts and trials in victory. We become amazingly aware of His purpose for us. We can look back and see how He was in control of even the smallest circumstances in our lives. It is then that we are whole….we become the person that God intended for us to be. We are eggxactly the way He wants us.
My sole intention and purpose for putting into words what God has laid on my heart, is to bring Him honor and glory. My life has not always been what it is now.....I have been a very ugly person, and have displeased God more times than I can count...more often than I want to even think about. I am so thankful that God does not keep track of my wrongs and ugliness. I am thankful that He loves me enough to forgive me when I come before Him with a broken heart. I am thankful that He loved me enough to will His Son to go to a cross and die for me. For MY sins. For MY wrongs.
If God can use me as an instrument to share His grace, mercy and love with others, then I am again most thankful. What I will be sharing here in the days to come is meant for one draw others closer to the One who can take all the scrambled messes and broken yokes, and turn them into something amazing...something that truly reflects the awesomeness of the One and Only Creator.
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