Friday, July 15, 2011

You Can Choose Too

There is a song that has truly just captured my heart.  It's "I Refuse" by Josh Wilson.  He expresses so vividly in his song what should be on the minds of those who take the name of Christian.  Christian means to be Christ-like.  What better way to show the love of Christ to others than by reaching out and being the hands and feet of Christ.

I truly believe that when God allows someone with a need to cross my path, and then bring that person and that need back to my mind again and again, that He is speaking loud and clear to me.  "Show my love to them." Often, though, we sit b ack and wait for someone else to do what WE have been called to do.  I am guilty of that myself....but no more.

EVERYTHING I have belongs to the Lord,  NOT just 10%.  ALL OF IT.  I want God to fill my cup up with His blessings each and every day.  If I keep what He gives me today all to myself, then there will be no room in my life for the blessing of tomorrow. 

In the book of James in the new Testament, we are told, " To him who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin."  I don't know about you, but this girl battles with sin enough  each day without adding anything else to the fight. 

I want God's blessings.  Everyday.  I close with the lyrics Josh Wilson wrote.  Please take a moment and READ them.  What a powerful message. 

Wait?  Put off?  Walk away?  Wait for someone else?  I REFUSE!  how about you?

Sometimes I,
 I just wanna close my eyes
And act like everyone's alright
when I know they're not

This world needs God,
but it's easier to stand and watch
I could say a prayer and just move on
like nothin's wrong
But I refuse

Cause I don't wanna live like I don't care
I don't wanna say another empty prayer
Oh I refuse, to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
Oh I could choose not to move
but I refuse.

I can hear the least of these
cryin' out so desperately
and I know we are the hands and feet of You oh God
So if You say move
it's time for me to follow through
and do what I was made to do
and show them who You are
Cause I don't wanna live like I don't care
I don't wanna say another empty prayer
Oh I refuse to sit around
and wait for someone else
to do what God has called me to do myself
Oh I could choose
not to move
but I refuse
to stand and whatch the weary and lost
cry out for help
I refuse
to turn my back
and try and act like all is well
I refuse
to stay and change
to wait another day
to die to myself
I refuse
to make one more excuse
cause I don't wanna live like I don't care
I don't wanna say another empty prayer
Oh I refuse
to sit around and wait for someone else
to do what God has called me to do myself
oh I could choose
not to move

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Blessing in Disguise

It wasn't a choice, I was forced. All stretched out and ready to run, I pushed the play button and nothing happened. After tirelessly trying to get the thing to work, I regretfully decided to run without it. As I started out, I missed my music. I have been jogging and working out with my tunes for over a decade now. I felt like I had lost my running buddy. Without my very loud motivation blasting in my ears, I could hear myself breathing. I could hear my shoes on the pavement.  .Those were not the only sounds I heard though.  What a surprise I was in for!!

As I ran along, I heard birds - tons of them. I heard the huge trees that line our driveway and the gravel path that connects our property to my father in laws  blowing in the wind. 
 I heard the hoofs of dear....5 of them...yes I said 5… I counted! (We have named the deer that live amidst the 32 acres we have the blessing of living on)... scurrying off through the gravel path and trees.  I heard friendly dog barks and neighbors saying hello. Usually, when I'm running and I encounter another person they just smile and wave - because they see I have headphones on. But this time, I was able to exchange a greeting. I heard kids playing; water running in a creek, and cars driving by. (It hadn't dawned on my music filled brain before that not being able to hear approaching vehicles is a safety no-no.) Wow. I had been missing out on a lot of nature's "noises".

But it doesn't stop there. My mind was clearer - more open - more receptive. Even....pure. My form was actually better because I wasn't stopping every 2 minutes to mess with my iPod. I traded the sounds of  pianos, guitars and drum solos for the rejuvenating song of the wild. I could pray and actually get a response. I could think about something other than lyrics. I felt refreshed, free. All while trotting down the road in my Nike's.

That reminds me....Several  months ago my computer died. It was long over due and I'm surprised it didn't happen before it did.  In between reading books, quilting, cleaning, and laundry - I frequented the computer chair. And since we live in the country, and choose not to get a daily newspaper and since  I don’t have friends that are close by,  the internet and Facebook  were my way to “connect” with everyone and catch up.  It's also where I found the good, the bad and the ugly in the news.  

 Until I got that black computer screen staring back at me,  that is. Oh yes, I was frustrated for a few days, but again, I was in for some good stuff. Literally, not having a computer at my fingertips all day long - changed my life. I spent more time reading, writing. I worked on Beth Moore Bible studies and I found that I prayed throughout the day, not just for a few minutes in the morning, or before my eyelids closed at night.  I mean I REALLY prayed. And I changed.  I’d like to think, for the better.

A blessing in disguise. Hmmm. There seems to be a theme here, doesn't there? Strip a girl of her music and her internet and you get a humbled lady more in tune to God than she ever thought possible. A lady that, even though she doubts and questions - can see the handy work of a Creator taking distractions away - and replacing them with none other than.....Himself! And I'll take Him over technology any day :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To Be Content or Not

Love, consolation and peace bloom only in the garden of sweet contentment." - Martha Anderson

I love that quote. It gets me oh so centered and focused.

I'm not real great at being content. Actually, I'm  probably one of the world’s worst, always thinking that I need this or that to finally get my soul satisfied. But what I'm learning  is that contentment is more of a decision than anything else.

Paul, the writer of Philippians says.... “For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” - Philippians 4:11-12
I JUST LOVE THAT!!!  Or, as Chonda would say, “ Isn’t that just precious!!!”

 Well, I have decided that I'm gonna pursue a Paul-like passion for contentment and for Jesus.  

1 Timothy 6:6 says, Yet true godliness and contentment is itself great wealth.

Godliness AND contentment. Now that is an unstoppable combination, isn't it? Know what else I'm learning? I'm realizing that I can't create either one of those things on my own - much less both of them. If I could - my ego would be as big as my hips!!!!  Nope. I need God…. His word….. and His people to encourage me on in this contentment quest. I can't do it alone.

" Women of adventure have conquered their fates and know how to live exciting and fulfilling lives right where they are (emphasis mine!). They have learned to reinvent themselves and find creative ways to enjoy the world and their place in it." - Barbara Jenkins

Did you get that?....the "RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE" part?  WOW!!!! That's good.  I mean that is REALLY GOOD!!! And the whole thing about "reinventing themselves".  It makes me wonder.... so what do YOU think those phrases mean..."right where you are" and "reinventing yourself"? Any thoughts? Please, share! (If anyone is reading this!).

Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post - I've been thinking about the upcoming year lately. The year is more than half gone already, and as I was looking back over my list of NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS I saw that contentment is in the top 5.   Boy, have I almost blown it.  I know. It won't be easy. Contentment is a tough one. But oh, what a needed trait it is. Especially for me.  There are so many situations that God has placed in my life  in the past couple of months, that I really need to focus on being content.  Right where I am, with ALL that HE has given me.  I know that it’s so easy to think about what we don’t have, or can’t do, but as Christians we truly have it all.  We just don’t always realize it.